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Curriculum Development

With IGNITED Consultancy, we plan to introduce appropriate learning objectives and meaningful strategies that will promote learning and an active working structure that is aimed at developing a positive mindset.

Establishing measurable goals that helps to define what the learner can achieve once the curriculum has been put in place.

Currently, we are working with the education department in Kyrgyzstan to strengthen the English/Kyrgyz and Russian curriculum making it more accessible and family/student driven.

Teacher Training

As Consultants and teachers, we are acutely aware of the needs of the teacher and their professional development.

We offer a comprehensive training plan that gives focus to the needs of the teacher and the school/college. We know that some training sessions can be cumbersome and underwhelming, our training days are purposely designed to deliver a totally immersive package that are created in a fun and absorbing way. Upon completion of the training day, you will be given a certificate to add to your CPD development programme.

We believe that you should leave the training day feeling good about what you have done. Just as you would want your students to leave the classroom – you are no different.

Programmes include Behaviour for Learning, Child Protection. Developing a curriculum for tomorrow, Phonics: and what to include in everyday learning, ESL: and how to teach inclusively. The role of the Form Tutor and how to incorporate structure into the role of the tutor. Dealing with Counselling and the role it plays in the school. The Role of the Protection Officer.

Working with families

Parents are looking for guidance and explanation in their choice of school, be it early years, high school or university. We offer a unique and personal approach to help them in their decision-making process. We will help guide you through the establishment’s protocols from admission to assessment. Through research on your behalf,
we will ask the crucial questions and give you the answers.We create a personal package that is designed to monitor progress and the development of your child. You can, in confidence, throw away any feeling of confusion and be assured that your interests are our interests. We will work for you, and we will help you.

Working with families

Parents are looking for guidance and explanation in their choice of school, be it early years, high school or university. We offer a unique and personal approach to help them in their decision-making process. We will help guide you through the establishment’s protocols from admission to assessment. Through research on your behalf,
we will ask the crucial questions and give you the answers.We create a personal package that is designed to monitor progress and the development of your child. You can, in confidence, throw away any feeling of confusion and be assured that your interests are our interests. We will work for you, and we will help you.

How We Work?

Our Working Strategy

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How We Work?

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